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The PhD Program in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) provides education and training to future leading actors in research and innovation in information technologies and electrical engineering in industries as well as in scientific and technological (private and public) institutions. These increasingly demand for advanced education and cross-disciplinary competences, and ability to develop new knowledge, methodologies and technologies in the production of goods and services.
The ITEE PhD has its administrative venue at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (DIETI).
The ITEE program is aimed at a selected number of M.Sc. graduated students, owning a solid background and motivated to further advance their abilities in research and innovation in a scientific context internationally recognized. DIETI has been selected by MUR and ANVUR as Department of Excellence in Italy for years 2018-2022 and for years 2023-2027.
The program fosters a multidisciplinary vision of research, rooted in the disciplines characterizing the 8 master degrees offered by the DIETI Department: the 6 M.Sc. in Engineering in Automation and Robotics, Biomedical, Computer, Electrical, Electronic, and Telecommunication and Digital Media; the M.Sc. in Computer Science, and the M.Sc. in Data Science (from academic year 2023-2024).
The ITEE PhD program is accredited by MUR (Ministry of University and Research) based on positive evaluation by ANVUR (National Agency for Evaluation of the Universities and Research System) for all cycles up to XXXIX.
Classroom map - Via Claudio