07-09-14-16-21-23-28-30/06 – 06-07-10/07/2023 Ad Hoc Courses
Title: Scienza moderna e disciplina giuridica dell'Intelligenza Artificiale
Organizer: prof. Lucio Franzese - DIETI - Unina
Period: 07-09-14-16-21-23-28-30/06 – 06-07-10/07/2023
Credits: 6
Classes will be held in the Seminar Room, Building 3, DIETI, 1st floor
Participants are requested to send an e-mail to Prof. Lucio Franzese by June 5th, 2023, with the following information:
Student name and surname, name of the PhD course, PhD cycle
For information: Prof. Lucio Franzese (DIETI, UniNA) – Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Scienza moderna e disciplina giuridica IA