Time: 11.30-13.30
Title: Research in Energy Storage Systems for Automotive, Aerospace and Grid-connected Systems at The Ohio State University Center for Automotive Research
Lecturer: dr. Matilde D’Arpino - The Ohio State University – Columbus – OH, USA
CFU: 0,4
Location: Room C2A, Building 3, DIETI Dept. - Via Claudio, 21 - NAPOLI
For information: Prof. Ciro Attaianese (DIETI, UniNA) – Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. - Dr. Luigi Pio Di Noia (DIETI, UniNA) – Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Attendance at the seminar is in-person. Participants are requested to send an e-mail to Dr. Luigi Pio Di Noia by 12 September 2023, with the following information: Student name and surname, name of the PhD course, PhD cycle. In the email, students abroad need to motivate the request for remote attendance, indicating the place and period they are spending in a foreign institution. Once authorized, they must keep the camera on for the entire duration of the seminar (CODE MS TEAMS: 5e40f9x)