This page provides information to the ITEE applicants on the selection process, on the type and number of available positions (including positions reserved to applicants from abroad), and on the thematic positions as they become available, possibly even after the official call for applications published on the University web site, yet before the completion of the applicants' selection process.
During the selection process, news for applicants will be published in this page (admission to oral exams, intermediate and final rankings, etc.)
The XXXIX Cycle of the ITEE Program (beginnning November 1st, 2023) has been accredited by the Ministry of University and Research under positive evaluation by the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR).
Admission to the PhD Course in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) - XXXIX Cycle (2023)
**** NEWS ****
ITEE 39 Admission Process: Results of the interview test of the PhD
ITEE 39 admission process: Title evaluation results and interviews schedule
ITEE 39 - Assessment of qualifications and interview schedule
Candidates to ordinary positions will be interviewed exclusively in person, according to the schedule above.
Candidates must show their passport or identity card for identification purposes
Only candidates (graduated abroad) to RESERVED POSITIONS (thematic positions n. 31 and 32 in the table below) will be interviewed telematically on 18 September 2023, at 14:30 local time (CEST), on the MS Teams platform at the following link:
ITEE 39 admission call
There are 2 positions reserved to foreign students (n. 31 and n. 32 in the table below).
Do not apply to NON RESERVED positions, unless you can be interviewed in presence on September 15, 2023.
Application deadline: August 2nd, 2023 15 p.m. (CEST)
Interviews for applicants to ORDINARY POSITIONS admitted to oral exam will be in presence
39th Cycle activities' start date: November 1st, 2023
Prof. Roberto Ambrosino
Prof. Paolo Bifulco
Prof. Mario Pagano
Prof. Valerio Persico
Prof. Stefano Russo
*** The information below is for mere integration of the official call on the UNINA web site. ***
*** Refer to the official Call for details and to the UNINA official web page for the application form ***
Applicants need NOT to contact a supervisor before applying.
Applicants need NOT to submit a research proposal (research proposals will not be considered)
The number and categories of available positions are listed below in this page.
The selection process will consist of two steps:
- evaluation of CV, publications and other titles of each applicant;
- oral exam IN PRESENCE, with assessment of the knowledge of English language.
Categories and number of available positions / scholarships
The complete list of available PhD positions includes:
A) positions directly supported by the Federico II University ("institutional positions"):
A1) positions with doctoral scholarships ("generic scholarships");
A2) positions without doctoral scholarships.
The research themes of the institutional positions (with or without scholarship) shall be defined by the ITEE PhD Board.
B) positions with doctoral scholarships funded by external companies or research institutions, or by university departments on specific projects ("thematic positions")
For thematic positions, the scholarships are generally related to specific research topics ("thematic scholarships")
The list of scholarships is reported below.
External private or public companies or research institutions may finance further thematic scholarships,
signing specific agreements with the Federico II University. Newly added scholarships will be listed in this page even after the publication of the official PhD call.
ITEE 39th cycle - available positions (more thematic positions will be listed in the table below as they become available):
Overall number of positions available: 60 (of which n. 53 with scholarship) *** NEW ***
A) Institutional positions
A1) Positions with scholarships:
- 2 positions
A2) Positions without scholarship:
- 7 positions
B) Thematic positions:
- 51 positions (with scholarship), of which 2 reserved to foreign applicants
Possible updates will be published on this page after the official publication of the Call, in case further positions become available.
List of positions with scholarship:
Theme |
Scholarship |
Supervisor |
N. of Scholarships |
1-2 |
Federico II University |
2 |
3-5 |
PNRR - Ricerca TBD |
Funded by PNRR - DM 118/2023
TBD | 3 |
6-8 |
PNRR - Transizione Digitale TBD |
Funded by PNRR - DM 118/2023 |
TBD | 3 |
9-11 |
PNRR - Pubblica Amministrazione TBD |
Funded by PNRR - DM 118/2023
TBD | 3 |
12 |
Sviluppo di algoritmi per la elaborazione di dati SAR acquisiti in banda L |
CNR IREA Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente |
Prof. Antonio De Maio |
1 |
13 |
Innovative Solutions for Software Testing Education |
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione - UNINA Progetto ENACTEST (European INnovation AllianCe for TESting educaTion), programma ERASMUS+, KA2 Alliances for Innovation (grant n. 101055874) |
Prof.ssa Anna Rita Fasolino | 1 |
14 | Sviluppo di modelli e programmazione di logiche di controllo per l’integrazione di apparati di generazione, accumulo e utilizzo di idrogeno nelle reti elettriche in presenza di risorse distribuite | ENEA - Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile | Prof.ssa Daniela Proto, Prof. Fabio Mottola | 1 |
15 | Algoritmi di tracking AI-based long-term per il tracciamento e la classifica dei bersagli | Leonardo S.p.A. |
Prof. Antonio De Maio |
1 |
16 | Tecniche di Machine Learning per il radar signal processing | Leonardo S.p.A. | Prof. Augusto Aubry | 1 |
17 |
Internet of Things |
Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica (CINI) where: Laboratorio CINI "C. Savy" di Napoli, Complesso di M. Sant'Angelo, UNINA |
1 |
18 | Cybersecurity of Artificial Intelligence in Airborne Applications |
Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA) Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 |
Prof. Antonio Pescapè | 1 |
19 | Edge-Level Artificial Intelligence |
Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA) Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 |
Prof. Alessandro Cilardo |
1 |
20 | Architetture di sistemi propulsivi per l'elettrificazione del traporto aereo: sviluppo di modellistica multi-fisica avanzata per la progettazione di architetture energetiche |
Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA) Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 |
Prof. Adolfo Dannier |
1 |
21 | Analisi e sviluppo degli aspetti di cybersecurity legati alle tecnologie V2X (Vehicle To Everything) e relative ripercussioni sui sistemi a guida autonoma |
FEV Italia s.r.l. Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 Nr. of months to be spent in the company: 12 (6 in Italy, 6 abroad) Company plants in: Torino, Bologna, Aachen (D) |
Prof. Simon Pietro Romano |
1 |
22 |
Nuove tecniche di machine learning (e deep neural network) per il reverse engineering di codice binario dai dispositivi (firmware) IoT e la successiva analisi e mitigazione di vulnerabilità |
DigitalPlatforms S.p.A. Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 Nr. of months to be spent in the company: 12 Company plant: Napoli |
Prof. Domenico Cotroneo |
1 |
23 |
Future HPC CUP E63C22000980007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR CN00000013 - Centro Nazionale CN1 "National Center for High-Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing", Spoke: Future HPC |
Prof. Alessandro Cilardo |
1 |
24 |
Universe & Fundamental Research CUP E63C22000980007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR CN00000013 - Centro Nazionale CN1 "National Center for High-Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing", Spoke: Universe & Fundamental Research |
Prof. Nicola Mazzocca | 1 |
25-26 |
Trasporto Ferroviario CUP E63C22000930007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR CN00000023 - Centro Nazionale CN4 "Sustainable Mobility Center (CNMS)", Spoke: Trasporto Ferroviario |
Prof. Andrea Del Pizzo |
2 |
27 |
Mapping and monitoring actions to preserve marine ecosystem biodiversity and functioning CUP E63C22000990007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR CN00000033 - Centro Nazionale CN4 "National Biodiversity Future Center" (NBFC), Spoke: Mapping and monitoring actions to preserve marine ecosystem biodiversity and functioning |
1 |
28-29 |
New Equipment for Fusion Experimental Research and Technological Advancements with Rfx Infrastructure CUP B53C22003070006 |
PNRR Progetto MUR IR0000007 - Infrastruttura di Ricerca "New Equipment for Fusion Experimental Research and Technological Advancements with Rfx Infrastructure" (NEFERTARI) |
Prof. Alfredo Pironti |
2 |
30 |
Programmable Networks for Future Services and Media o Laboratorio Spoke Napoli CUP E63C22002040007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR PE0000001 - Partenariato Esteso "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" Spoke 4 |
Prof.ssa Antonia Tulino | 1 |
31 |
Design and analysis of innovative sensing and localization algorithms CUP E63C22002040007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR PE0000001 - Partenariato Esteso "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" - Spoke 7 Green and Smart Environments |
Prof. Antonio De Maio |
1 reserved to applicants with a MSc from a university abroad |
32 |
Integration of sensing and communication systems CUP E63C22002040007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR PE0000001 - Partenariato Esteso "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" - Spoke 7 Green and Smart Environments |
Prof. Antonio De Maio |
1 reserved to applicants with a MSc from a university abroad |
33-34 |
TBD CUP E63C22002040007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR PE0000001 - Partenariato Esteso "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" - Spoke 7 Green and Smart Environments |
Prof. Pierluigi Rippa | 2 |
35-36 |
CUP E63C22002040007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR PE0000001 - Partenariato Esteso "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" - Spoke 7 Green and Smart Environments |
TBD | 2 |
37 |
Intelligent and Autonomous Systems o Laboratorio Spoke Napoli CUP E63C22002040007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR PE0000001 - Partenariato Esteso "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" - Spoke 8 Intelligent and Autonomous Systems |
Prof.ssa Antonia Tulino | 1 |
38 |
Policy making in an ageing society CUP E63C22002050006 |
PNRR Progetto MUR "AGE-IT - Ageing Well in an ageing society: A novel public-private alliance to generate socioeconomic, biomedical and technological solutions for an inclusive Italian ageing society" |
TBD | 1 |
39 |
Future imaging systems for microwave and optical remote sensing |
PNRR Partenariato Esteso ASI Agenzia Spaziale Italiana "SpaceItUp"
TBD | 1 |
40 |
Robotic and Human Exploration of Extraterrestrial Habitats, Architectures and Infrastructures |
PNRR Partenariato Esteso ASI Agenzia Spaziale Italiana "SpaceItUp"
TBD | 1 |
41 |
Tecnologie digitali per il trasporto marittimo sostenibile |
Grimaldi Euromed S.p.A. Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 Nr. of months to be spent in the company: 18 |
Prof.ssa Stefania Santini | 1 |
42 |
Multimission and multisensor remote data processing |
Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA) Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 Nr. of months to be spent in the company: 18 |
Prof. Gerardo Di Martino | 1 |
43 |
Smart Windows for Energy Storage and Release |
Falegnameria Marchigiana s.r.l. Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 Nr. of months to be spent in the company: 9 |
Prof. Stefano Marrone | 1 |
44 |
Optimized Logistics for a Smart Warehouse |
MASIFRAN s.r.l. Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 Nr. of months to be spent in the company: 9 |
Prof. Claudio Sterle | 1 |
45 |
Integrated photonics circuits for passive optical networks |
Open Fiber S.p.A. Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 Nr. of months to be spent in the company: 10 |
Prof. Francesco Giuseppe Della Corte | 1 |
46 |
Inverse design of high-performance large-scale metalenses |
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione - UNINA MUR PRIN 2022 project (application n. 2022Y53F3X) |
Prof. Carlo Forestiere | 1 |
47-48 |
Resilient delivery of real-time interactive services over NextG compute-dense mobile networks |
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione - UNINA MUR PRIN 2022 project (application n. 2022ATSXX4) |
Prof.ssa Antonia Tulino | 2 |
49 | Architetture di propulsione dei veicoli elettrici: messa a punto di modelli interpretativi dei dati diagnostici provenienti dai veicoli elettrici al fine di effettuare un riconoscimento di condizioni anomale di funzionamento |
FPT Industrial S.p.A. Co-funded by PNRR ex DM 117/2023 Nr. of months to be spent in the company: 6 Company plant: Torino |
Prof. Adolfo Dannier | 1 |
50-53 |
Laboratorio di Spoke della sede dell’Università di Napoli Federico II (Spoke 7), o uno delle tematiche alle quali partecipa la massa critica dell’Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II nell’ambito degli Spoke 1,2,3,4,7,8 di RESTART. CUP E63C22002040007 |
PNRR Progetto MUR PE0000001 - Partenariato Esteso "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" |
4 |