3-4-5-6-7/02/2025 |
DIETI-Unina- room C2A - Building 3, ground floor, Via Claudio, 21- Naples |
National School of Electrical Engineering for PhD Students | National School for PhD Students ‘F. Gasparini’ . XXVII Stage, Naples | nr of CFU depends on courses attended | |
9-10/05/ 2024 |
2024 Spring School - Aurora, Ateneo UNINA | 2024 Spring School on Transferable Skills | 2 | |
23-27/09/2024 |
Capri |
10th IEEE-EURASIP Summer Schol on Signal Processing | Understanding and Modeling the World Around Us | 4 | |
26-27/06/2023 |
“Palazzo Gravina” at the Faculty of Architecture – University Federico II in Napoli, Italy |
11ma TMA PhD School 2023 |
Modern Network Monitoring and Privacy-Preserving Analysis | | 2 |
12-13-14-15/06/2023 |
The 16th International Summer School on Software EngineeringUniversity of Salerno, Italy |
ISSSE 2023 | Software Engineering @Salerno Week | | |
06-10/03/2023 | 2023 International Graduate School | Nonlinear and Data-driven Model Predictive Control | 4 | ||
02-07/05/2022 |
Complesso Universitario San Giovanni a Teduccio - (In presence or remotely) |
XR Spring School 2022 | eXtended Reality Spring School 2022 | 5 | |
08-10/06/2022 |
Palazzo Mediterraneo - Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale |
AILC, Univ. Napoli Orientale, Univ. Napoli Federico II, DIETI | Lectures on Computational Linguistics 2022 | 3 | |
24-28/01/2022 |
Blended On-line MS Teams DIETI - Aula C2A, Edificio 3, |
Scuola Nazionale di Elettrotecnica per Dottorandi | Scuola Nazionale per Dottorandi “F. Gasparini” . XXIV Stage, Napoli | 24°Gasparini School | nr of CFU depends on courses attended |
30/11-01-02/12/2021 | ONLINE | PhD School - 5G Italy 2021 | 5G INTERNATIONAL PHD SCHOOL | 3 | |
06-10/09/2021 | ONLINE | PhD Excellence School "I. Gorini” 2021 | PhD School "I. Gorini” 2021 |
promoted by the Italian "Electrical and Electronic Measurement" (GMEE) and "Mechanical and Thermal Measurement" (GMMT) associations |
3 |
08-12/02/2021 |
AIRO PhD School 2021 and 5th AIRO-Young Workshop |
Optimization and Data Science: Trends and Applications | 3.6 | |
01-05/02/2021 |
ESoA School |
Microwave imaging and diagnostics: theory, techniques and applications | 3 | |
01-03/12/2020 |
PhD School-5G Italy 2020 |
19/09/2020-31/12/2020 |
Radar Conference Virtual Summer School |
IEEE AESS Radar Summer School - Under the patronage of DIETI |
RadarConf2020 | radar-summer-school-virtual-program.pdf | |
04-09/09/2020 |
On-Line |
PhD Excellence School "I. Gorini” 2020 | PhD Excellence School "I. Gorini” 2020 | School-Gorini-2020.pdf | 3 |
13-31/07/2020- 04-07/08/2020 |
CI-LAM (The China-Italy Lab on Advanced Manufacturing) Summer School- on line |
Ci-Lam Sammer School | “The future of tech-X” | CILAM_SummerSchool.pdf | 4 |
16/122019 |
DIETI Softel room, via Claudio 21, Building 3, 1st floor |
NVIDIA DLI Workshops 2019 |
Deep Learning for Computer Vision: Classification, Segmentation, and Recognition (6 hours) |
NVIDIA_courses_Leaflet.pdf | |
29/11/2019 |
Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant’Angelo Sala Azzurra |
Meeting organized by the ''Scuola Politecnica delle Scienze di Base'', Università di Napoli Federico II |
Dal dottorato ad uno Starting Grant ERC: tre giovani ricercatori della Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base raccontano la loro storia |
StG_29_Nov_2019_LR.pdf | |
25/11/2019 |
DIETI Softel room, via Claudio 21, Building 3, 1st floor |
NVIDIA DLI Workshops 2019 |
Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++: Architecture, Programming, and Tools (6 hours) |
NVIDIA_courses_Leaflet.pdf | |
14-18/10/2019 | Napoli, via Claudio 21, Edificio 1 | PhD school |
PhD school “F. Gasparini” . XXIII Stage |
2019/09/11-13 | Napoli | Workshop |
"Mathematical Models in Science and Engineering" (MMSE) | |