Companies and institutions funding, or partners of, research activities of the ITEE Program
Hitachi Rail STS S.p.A. (Sede di Napoli)
Scholarship funded by "PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020 - Dottorati innovativi con caratterizzazione industriale"
PhD student: Dr. Emanuele Fedele (35° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Diego Iannuzzi; Co-supervisor: Prof. Andrea del Pizzo
Reference person for the company: Dr. Luigi Fratelli, Ph.D.
Research theme: "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for constrained environments - Drone Contest"
PhD student: Dr. Salvatore Marcellini (36° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Lippiello
Research theme: "Autonomous navigation in GPS-denied environments (ANV Alternative Navigation)"
PhD student: dr. Vincenzo Scognamiglio (37° cycle)
Supervisor: prof. Vincenzo Lippiello
Reference person for the company: ing. Alessandro Massa, Leonardo S.p.A.
Digital Platforms S.p.A.
Research theme: "Augmented AI for Sustainable Cyber Security in Railway Environment"
PhD student: dr. Simona De Vivo (XXXVII ciclo)
Tutor: prof. Domenico Cotroneo
Azienda Agricola "Lenza Lunga"
Research theme: "Studio dell’interazione tra pilota e un team di droni in un contesto di autonomia condivisa applicato all’agricoltura di precisione"
PhD student: dr. Francesca Pagano (XXXVII ciclo)
Tutor: prof. Vincenzo Lippiello
NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)
Research theme: "Signal Processing and Statistical Learning"
PhD student: dr. Angela Marino (35° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Augusto Aubry
Co-supervisor: Dr. Paolo Braca, Ph.D. (NATO CMRE)

Research theme: "Big Data Analitycs and Deep Learning"
PhD student: dr. Michele Delli Veneri (35° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Moscato; Co-supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Longo
Reference person for the company: Dr. Donato Cappetta
RIS LAB - Research and Innovation for Security Lab
Research theme: "Networking in IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems: Performance and Security Issues"
PhD student: dr. Giovanni Stanco (35° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Ventre; Co-supervisor: Dr. Alessio Botta
Reference person for the company: Dr. Flavio Frattini, PhD
Research theme: "Formal methods for automatic test case generation"
PhD student: dr. Luigi Libero Lucio Starace (35° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Sergio Di Martino; Co-supervisor: Prof. Adriano Peron
Research theme: "Servizi di mobilità intelligenti, sicuri e sostenibili per veicoli connessi"
PhD student: dr. Fabrizio Di Rosa (XXXVIII ciclo)
Tutor: prof.ssa Stefania Santini
Research theme: "Control architectures for advanced driver-assistance systems in automotive"
PhD student: dr. Nicola Albarella (35° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Stefania Santini
Logogramma S.r.l.
Research theme: "Computational Linguistics techniques for commercial Chatbot architectures"
PhD student: dr. Marco Grazioso (36° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Cutugno
Reference person for the company: Dr. Valentina Russo
CNR I.R.E.A. Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente
Research theme: "Multispectral electromagnetic diagnostics for quality control of food products"
PhD student: dr. Sonia Zappia (35° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Ruello; Co-supervisor: Dr. Lorenzo Crocco (CNR IREA)
CNR I.M.A.A. Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale
Research theme: "Machine Learning technique for per remote sensing data processing"
PhD student: dr. Giuseppe Guarino (38° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Scarpa; Co-supervisor: Dr. Gemine Vivone (CNR IMAA)
Research theme: "Quantum Communication Protocols for Quantum Security and Quantum Internet"
PhD student: dr. Jessica Illiano (36° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Angela Sara Cacciapuoti
Reference person for the company: dr. Antonio Manzalini
MICRON Semiconductor Italia
Research theme: " Development of innovative techniques and methodologies for analysis and testing of Storage Systems interfaces based on System on Chip"
PhD student: dr. Marco Vitone (36° cycle)
Supervisor: Prof. Nicola Petra
Reference person for the company: dr. Claudio Giaccio
Research theme: "Functional Safety in Managed NAND Embedded Systems"
PhD student: dr. Marco De Luca (37° cycle)
Supervisor: prof.ssa Anna Rita Fasolino
Reference person for the company: TBD
Research theme: "Next-generation CyberRange-as-a-Service "
Scholarship funded by: PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020 - Dottorati innovativi con caratterizzazione industriale
PhD student: dr. Vittorio Orbinato (36° cycle)
Tutor: Prof. Domenico Cotroneo; co-tutor: Prof. Roberto Natella
Dottorati INNOVATIVI – Intersettoriali, vertenti sulle tematiche dell’iniziativa “Industria 4.0”
Research theme: "Framework based on smart sensors and on Internet of Things for Condition Based Manteinance (CBM) in the railway sector"
PhD student: dr. Martina Guerritore (36° cycle)
Tutor: Prof. Mauro D'Arco
Reference people for the company: Dr. Giuseppe Graber, Dr. Luigi Fratelli
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
Research theme: "Wavefront control in telescope projects based on active and adaptive optics"
PhD student: dr. Giacomo Basile (37° cycle)
Tutor: Prof. Stefania Santini
Reference person for the company: Dr. Pietro Schipani
CINI - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica
Laboratorio Nazionale "Carlo Savy" di Napoli
Research theme: "Artificial Intelligence techniques for rail dependability and automation"
(EU Horizon 2020 Shift2Rail JU Project: Roadmaps for AI integration in the raiL Sector - RAILS)
PhD student: dr. Lorenzo De Donato (36° cycle)
Tutor: Prof. Valeria Vittorini; co-tutor: Prof. Carlo Sansone
Research theme: "Strategies for the assessment of fault and attack isolation in virtualized software systems"
PhD student: dr. Giorgio Farina (37° cycle)
Tutor: prof. Marcello Cinque
Accenture Italia
Research theme: "Rilevamento della presenza di entità malevole all’interno di reti sociali"
PhD student: dr. Nicola D'Ambrosio (37° cycle)
Tutor: prof. Simon Pietro Romano
Research theme: "Architetture di calcolo innovative per Green Computing"
PhD student: dr. Vincenzo Maisto (37° cycle)
Tutor: prof. Alessandro Cilardo
Research theme: "Componenti Ecocompatibili per Applicazione in Sistemi Alta Tensione: Tecnologie, Metodi per la stima predittiva dell’invecchiamento, Prove"
PhD student: dr. Francesco Volpe (37° cycle)
Tutor: prof. Mario Pagano
Attività di ricerca: "Modelli e strumenti diagnostico/terapeutici innovativi per l'assistenza sanitaria basata su tecnologie ICT"
PhD student: dr. Danilo Calderone (37° cycle)
Tutor: prof. Mario Cesarelli
Vishay Semiconductors Italiana S.p.A.
PhD student: dr. Vincenzo Terracciano (XXXVIII ciclo)
Tutors: prof. Andrea Irace, Vincenzo D'Alessandro
PhD student: dr. Sergio Di Meglio (XXXVIII ciclo)
Tutor: prof. Sergio Di Martino